Sunday, November 18, 2012

#47 Treasure

Unashamedly, I'll admit that this week's post has come from my archives. 

My parents and I had two shared memorable occasions - their anniversary and my birthday.  So every year, there was a double celebration on the day, or near to it.  Being born on their 5th wedding anniversary, as a little girl I had been known to tell people that "I was born on my Mummy's wedding day!", which didn't sit too well with little old ladies who I told... 

Each year, from 2004 until 2011, a family picnic was held, the 2004 one being the occasion of Mum & Dad's 65th anniversary.  Sometimes, someone would even remember to wish me a Happy Birthday but I didn't mind. 

In July 2007, Dad died at the good age of almost 90 but leaving my nearly blind Mum alone in the assisted residence where they had moved just 2 years before.  Although she was devastated at his loss (they had been sweethearts since she was 14!), she carried on, with the help of my sister, myself and full-time care workers who we hired, but eventually passed away in August 2009, also nearly 90.  She was lost without her beloved Doug and I like to think of them as being reunited now.  When Dad died, they had been married for 66 years, 10 months and 20 days - quite an accomplishment!

This photo was taken at the family picnic in 2006, the last time we had our pictures taken together on our big day - and there were many of them, I can assure you.  So for me, it's one that I treasure - and that, for me, fits this week's theme. 

I used an OnOne Photo Essentials 3 acid burn frame.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

#46 Justice

After much thought, I decided that "justice" can be construed in many different ways.  I suppose that means that I'm starting to think more outside the box than I did before I started this venture.

There is an historic landmark in Lake Wales, Florida where you will find a beautiful carillon tower surrounded by lovely gardens and an equally historic house that is open to the public.

To "do justice" to the tower is just not possible in camera format; you have to see it to appreciate its beauty and the work that went into its creation.  Not extremely large or pretentious, nevertheless its amazing colouration and decorative detail lends itself nicely to a plethora of scope for photographic views.  (Am I waxing too poetical here...?!)

Hence I decided the best way to fulfil this week's challenge was to present you with a variety of shots - just a few of many, I can assure you - of this beautiful tower in a "storybook" form.

To appreciate the tower to its fullest, visit its website at

Thank you to Kim Klassen for supplying the storybook framework that I used here.

Monday, November 5, 2012

#45 Yummy

The year is getting older and I'm having to dig into the archives to fill up its last weeks...

There's nothing very "yummy" out there right now but back in the summer, we enjoyed an inordinate number of desserts just like this:  fresh strawberries and raspberries on a sponge cake cup.   I can taste them now, just looking at them.  With just the finest dash of sugar and a topping of vanilla yogurt - mm, mm good!