Sunday, May 27, 2012

#22 Work

Certainly no work for me but a week ago, our neighbours had this big maple cut down as it was rotten at the base and giving them too much afternoon shade.  The two fellows who turned up to do the job were burly, to say the least, and this one was covered in tattoos.  The weather wasn't as warm as his bare arms would suggest but he didn't seem to feel the chill.  What a thump when the thing went down, after its top branches had been removed.  The tree iteself is in a ravine that backs onto our property and is now a natural bridge to the river, the neighbour tells us... 

I used a Medium Sketch on a new layer in Topaz Adjust 5 then on a layer mask revealed the colour in the worker's body.  After all, he's the one doing the Work!


  1. The Irish would say they was robbed! _ They asked for Tree Fellers and only Two Fellas turned up. Great topical shot. and processing.

    1. Ron, you've got a great sense of humour! Thanks for your continuing comments.

  2. Very nice effect with the Topaz sketch and masking.

  3. Your processing really made him pop. Must have been loud.

  4. Love how the color really stands out!

  5. I really like how you've processed this and the photo is great...dynamic!

  6. Great combinations of topaz filters!
