Sunday, April 15, 2012

#16 - Beginnings

Need I say that "Spring has sprung..."?  After having hardly any winter, the poor plants don't know what season it is and even those that aren't due to start sprouting have done it anway. 

The new shoots on our climbing rose looked so appropriate for the theme that I just had to post one of them as this week's image.  So many to choose from but I think these are my favourite - as are the flowers that will grow on the plant - you know, the peach ones!


  1. this is too lovely...beautiful detail!

  2. Love all the details you captured with the beginning sprout of the rose.

  3. Love all the curvy ins and outs of this little sprout....beautifully captured macro!

  4. Love the shape and the superb details!

  5. A perfect theme match up. Had no idea what this bud was before reading the post, this is an excellent photo.

  6. Perfect for the theme, I love the tender new growth next to the rose cane.
