Sunday, April 1, 2012

#14 Groups

Groups come in all shapes and sizes, all species and classifications.  For my "Groups" submission, I chose another favourite subject - flowers.  These were photographed in Port Burwell Provincial Park last June - just before I broke my right wrist! - and where the "Isolation" photo was taken too.  The park features not only a wonderful stretch of unspoilt beach but some beautiful woodland trails that unfortunately - that day, anyway - were home to hoardes of mosquitoes.  We didn't get too far into the woods before we had to turn back, but not before I stopped to snap these prolific wild roses.

I like the diagonal lines that had grown naturally.  Some work was done on the image with Topaz Adjust 5 and blending modes, plus I extracted one single bloom and inserted it bottom left - just because!


  1. I love just 'becauses' sweet touch, plus I can never see enough flower photos..this is a lovely photo of a grouping...

  2. So we could add the mosquitoes as groups also. Lovely gardens.

  3. I love the creative touch of your "just because"....what a nice idea!

  4. Glad you snapped the Wild Roses, before someone came with a whip and a chair to tame them! I agree top design.

  5. Lovely wild roses . . . nice touch to add the single bloom in the corner.

  6. Thank you all for your wonderful comments. It was certainly a fun image to work on and glad you enjoyed my "just because" moment...

  7. Great detail and that you filled the frame with the plant

  8. I joke about having scratch and sniff widgets on our blogs but this would be a great time for one. I love how you filled the frame with the roses, white ones are sort of rare I thin.
