Sunday, September 2, 2012

Confusion reigns...

Sorry about the post that just showed up - #30 Summer.  When I was posting "Duty", I noticed that there was a #30 Summer post saved as a Draft so assumed I had forgotten to post, and did it again.  Now I see that Summer was #29 and I did post it, so there was some duplication.  Wondered why I was getting comments on something I had posted awhile ago. 

For Ron, who asked to see more photos of the house in question, here are some...

Oh and by the way, I'll be back there at the end of September so will post the lady's take on Autumn later.

PS - I deleted #30 Summer since it's already here as #29.  Confused?  Stick around, you soon will be!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad others go through the same confusion as I~this looks like Sleeping Beauty's house, very sweet
