Sunday, March 4, 2012

#10 Nature

Here in Florida, we're blessed to see an abundance of wildlife, right on our doorstep, so to speak.  Our house backs onto a conservation area and there is far more hiding in there than we can ever imagine, I'm sure.  Last year, at the height of our cold spell (yes, it was in the 30s F in the mornings for quite a while!), a Florida bobcat came to our backyard to warm himself in the sun.  Unfortunately, I thought he was a pile of leaves for the longest time - until I got my camera out, at which time, of course, he turned and sauntered away...  No such luck this winter but this beautiful white heron perched himself at the top of a 60-foot tree last week and stayed just long enough for me to get his picture.

The only editing I did to this one was quite a sizeable crop and the addition of a soft vignette to highlight the heron.


  1. Great perch for spotting Fish!

  2. Having such a potential location for wildlife must mean a camera at the ready. You spotted a photo-op with this bird and had the luck to catch it in resting mode. Or maybe it was just waiting for you to get the camera ready.

  3. wow and in your own backyard, beautiful shot, isn't he/she elegant

  4. Nice capture! When I go to my daughter's in Southern Florida I try and get out as much as I can for some wonderful ops.

  5. He looks as if he were posing for you! What a beautiful and elegant bird!

  6. Great shot....what a great place to have in your backyard

  7. Oh how I remember the long cold winter last year! Northerners don't understand how we are freezing when the temps go in to the 30's! This is a beautiful capture, glad you got your camera out!
